B2B Games


Your privacy is extremely important to us.


B2B Games and its affiliates ("B2B Games" or "we") are committed to protecting the privacy rights of our online users ("users" or "you"). It also describes the choices you have about our use of your personal information and how you can access that information. We respect the privacy of our mobile application users and take its protection seriously. B2B Games offers mobile applications and games intended for children under 13 years of age (Kids Apps) as well as mobile applications for other target populations (Other Apps).


Your consent

By downloading and using our applications, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and expressly consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your information. You can always opt out of information collection by not using our mobile applications or services.


We must protect the privacy and safety of children online, which includes adhering to restrictions on marketing to under-13s. Children under the age of 13 may not use any of our applications without the consent of their legal guardians. In addition, they may not install, use or access these applications, or be asked to delete them from their device in the case of a previous installation, unless they or their legal representatives do not agree to any term in this Privacy Policy.


Kids Apps Privacy Policy

This Kids Apps Privacy Policy is intended to provide guidance to the legal guardian of a child under the age of 13 regarding our privacy policy regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information of children under the age of 13.


Parents and legal guardians of children under the age of 13 have certain rights under the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA, http://www.coppa.org/coppa.htm) and B2B Games recognizes these rights.


B2B Games does not knowingly and directly collect and store on its servers any personal information from children under the age of 13, as this would be a violation of COPPA. Some information may be collected by third parties that provide services (ad networks, etc.) or certain products.


Collection and use of data

Types of data and information that may be collected and used:


The child's persistent device identifier

Third parties may collect IP address, advertising identifier and unique device identifier, but not any personal data of a private nature. We only allow the collection of this information for the internal operations of the Kids' Apps to serve advertising to users of our Kids' Apps as permitted by applicable rules and laws.


Non-personal information

We allow third parties to collect some anonymous information from which users cannot be identified. Non-Personal Data may include technical information about your device, such as your browser type, screen resolution, device type, language, operating system type, and geographic location (general location only). Non-personal information is collected by third-party services when you access the service. They may use this information to conduct research and analysis, but only for strictly limited purposes.


How information is collected

Our Children's Apps include third-party SDKs that collect non-personal information and a persistent device identifier for children through use of the Children's Apps.


Information sharing

We may share the collected information (Kids' Persistent Device Identifier) ​​with other third party only in the ways described that we share in this privacy policy. We can only make personal data available in the following cases:


if required by law, such as to comply with a court order, subpoena, regulation, legal process or other governmental request;

to exercise or protect the rights, property or personal safety of the Company, our users or others;

enforce this privacy statement, including investigating possible violations;

based on the consent of the legal representative in order to provide certain services that such legal representative or user has requested from the Company;

collect, store or manage a child's persistent device identifier through our authorized third-party service providers, as appropriate for business purposes, who may be located in a country that does not have the same data protection laws as the user's jurisdiction;

to allow our partners and affiliates to serve advertisements to users as permitted by applicable laws and regulations;

To detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues.

If B2B Games participates in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of its assets, you will be notified of any change in ownership or use of your information through our website.



B2B Games accepts advertisements from third-party advertising networks. These ads may appear in our apps for kids. We carefully select ad networks to maintain compliance with applicable privacy laws, and we certify that each ad network complies with the US Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA).


Advertisers may use cookies and other web tracking technologies to collect non-personal information and/or personally identifiable information if a user clicks on one of these advertisements. In addition, Appricot Studio may advertise other Appricot Studio Kids apps within Kids Apps.


Other Apps Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide you with guidance regarding our privacy policy with respect to the collection, use and disclosure of personal information about users.


Collection and use of data

Personal information

Individually identifiable information can identify an individual and can be private in nature. B2B Games may collect some of the following personal information: user personal identifiers, user email address, geographic location data. B2B Games does not collect any personal information from you without your consent, which is obtained through your acceptance of the Privacy Policy. Personal data may also be stored on users' devices through generally accepted industry technologies used within B2B game applications (cookies, local storage). The purpose of collecting personal data is to improve the user experience and our applications, enable certain ad display features (frequency limiting), provide users with personalized information and content (tailored and interest-based ads), enable certain features available in apps (in-app purchases), allow the user use Game Center features, social features, and features that are available when using the "Facebook Login" feature, and send push notifications to the user's device after the user agrees to receive push notifications from B2B Games. Users can disable push notifications by changing their notification settings

If you need further information or have any query you can ask anytime on this email.

Email: shahidshaheer233@gmail.com
